Friday, April 7, 2023

Daily Bible Quote On Rejoicing

Daily Bible Quote On Rejoicing

Psalms 16:9
Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices.
My body shall also dwell in safety.

Psalm 16 is a prayer of trust and confidence in God, expressing the psalmist's dependence on God for his security, satisfaction, and joy. In verse 9, the psalmist declares that his heart is glad and his tongue rejoices because he knows that his body will dwell in safety.

The context of this verse reveals that the psalmist is confident that God will protect him from harm and keep him secure. He trusts that God will guide him in the right path and preserve his life from danger. The psalmist acknowledges that his ultimate source of joy and satisfaction is found in God alone, and that his confidence in God's protection allows him to rejoice even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Furthermore, the psalmist also acknowledges that God is his portion and his inheritance. He declares that he will bless the Lord who has given him counsel, and that even at night, his heart instructs him. The psalmist recognizes that God's presence is his refuge, and that in God's presence there is fullness of joy.

Verse 9 of Psalm 16 expresses the psalmist's confidence in God's protection and his resulting joy and rejoicing. The context of the verse emphasizes the psalmist's trust in God for security and satisfaction, and his acknowledgement that God alone is his refuge and portion.

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