Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Daily Bible Quote On The Rock

Daily Bible Quote On The Rock

Matthew 7:24
Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock.

The verse is from the Sermon on the Mount, which is a collection of teachings of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5-7. In this particular verse, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of not just hearing his words, but also putting them into practice.

In the previous verses, Jesus warns about false prophets who come in sheep's clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves. He then instructs his disciples to beware of them and to judge them by their fruits. Jesus then contrasts those who hear his words and do them with those who hear but don't follow through with action.

The wise man who builds his house on a rock is symbolic of those who hear and obey Jesus' teachings. They are building their lives on a firm foundation that can withstand the storms of life. In contrast, those who hear but don't act on Jesus' words are like a foolish man who builds his house on sand, which will collapse when the storms come.

Jesus is urging his followers to not only hear his words but also put them into practice. Those who do so are building their lives on a solid foundation, while those who don't are setting themselves up for disaster. The message is clear: true wisdom is not just hearing the word, but doing it as well.

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