Showing posts with label Daily Bible Verse To Ponder On. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Bible Verse To Ponder On. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2023

Daily Bible Verse To Ponder On

Daily Bible Verse To Ponder On
Romans 5:1-2
Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;  through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand.

This quote is from the Bible, specifically from the book of Romans, chapter 5, verse 1. It is part of a larger passage that discusses the concept of justification by faith.

The passage begins by stating that believers are justified by faith, which means that they are declared righteous or forgiven by God because of their belief in Jesus Christ. This justification brings peace with God, as the believer is no longer at odds with God because of their sins.

The passage then goes on to say that through Jesus Christ, believers also have access to grace. This grace is the undeserved favor and love of God that is given to believers through their faith in Jesus Christ. This grace is not something that is earned, but rather it is a gift from God.

The passage concludes by saying that believers stand in this grace. This means that they are secure in their justification and salvation because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

In summary, this passage teaches that believers are justified by faith in Jesus Christ, which brings peace with God and access to God's grace. This grace is a gift that allows believers to stand secure in their salvation.